Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever





Any gold or cream shades


Average Weight:

  • Male: 29–34 kgs
  • Female: 25–29 kgs

Life Expectancy:

10–12 years


Average Height:

  • Male: 22–24 inches (56–61 cm)
  • Female: 20-22 inches (51-56 cm)

Know More About Me

Dog Paw


Golden Retrievers are a good fit for the Philippines because they can adapt well and don’t need too much exercise. They’re friendly and get along with kids and grown-ups, and they can be happy living in different places like cities or suburbs. They’re known for being loyal and smart, so they’re not just loved as pets, but they also bring happiness and friendship to Filipino dog lovers.

Dog Paw

Feed Requirement:

Golden Retrievers weigh 45 to 80 pounds and should be fed two cups of dry dog food daily. Be sure to mix wet food with dry food in their diet! The golden retriever is a large dog breed, usually over 45 pounds at maturity. Their diet must consist of the right foods to stay healthy and happy! Daily, a golden retriever must eat 2 cups of dry food and 1/2 cup of wet food. This should be split into two meals, one in the morning and one later. To keep your dog full and active, it is important to feed them small portions more frequently during the day instead of just once or twice a day.

Dog Paw

Best Food to Feed:

Look for a food that has some form of meat as the first ingredient – such as lamb, chicken, or turkey. Avoid foods that have grain as the first ingredient. Also look for multiple meat proteins in the first seven ingredients. Protein from multiple sources is generally viewed as being beneficial (such as lamb, chicken and fish), unless your dog is allergic to certain proteins. Dog food companies sometimes list several types of grains in the first seven ingredients. Beware of this – your dog needs animal protein in his diet!

Dog Paw

Common Health Problems:

 Due to unethical breeding, golden retrievers have developed more risks of illnesses and afflictions like hip dysplasia (which leads to mobility issues), skin irritation and allergies, ear infections, hypothyroidism, cataracts (a film that clouds the eye and limits vision). Obesity is one of their common illnesses because they love to eat.

  • Agility 70% 70%
  • Temperament 90% 90%
  • Lifespan 70% 70%
  • Independence 50% 50%
  • Protection 30% 30%

Top 5 Fun Facts of  Golden Retrievers

Fact #1: There are three types of Golden Retrievers. These three types are English, Canadian, and American.

Fact #2: They are regarded as “mouthy,” it’s because they love to have something in their mouths like a ball, a soft toy, or newspapers.

Fact 3#: Golden Retrievers are not easily bothered by noise or kids’ excitement; they even enjoy it!

Fact #4: Golden Retrievers are popular service dogs for blind people.

Fact #5: They are the eighth-most famous dog breed in the United Kingdom.

Do You Know?

On August 24, 2020, Augie became the first Golden Retriever to hit 20 years old, making her the oldest Golden Retriever in history. She was rescued by Jennifer and Steve and lived with her golden retriever siblings, Sherman, Belle, and Bruce.